About Evolving Eros


At Evolving Eros, we are creating not just an educational platform, but a global movement of visionary facilitators, educators, and change-makers who are dedicated to pioneering a new paradigm of sacred sexuality and intimacy facilitation.

Our mission is to provide high-quality education, nourishing community support and a space for exploration and evolution for facilitators at every stage of their journey, empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and community they need to create profound impact in the lives of those they serve.

Our Story


Evolving Eros was born out of a shared vision and passion of our founders, Luna Agneya and Triss Tashi who lead the Sensual Arts School and the Liberating Love Collective

Having trained and worked with many facilitators around the world, Luna and Triss saw a need for a more comprehensive, integrated, and accessible approach to facilitator education specifically aimed at those working with topics around relationships, intimacy and sexuality – one that would empower a new generation of leaders to bring greater depth, skill, and heart to this transformative work.

After witnessing many years of the shadows being revealed, and experiencing their own trauma and harm within Sacred Sexuality containers, they felt the deep need in this movement for more easily accessible education and teachings to create safer, more empowering spaces where the power and responsibility of this work are more understood and respected.

In 2023, they launched Evolving Eros as initially an online course to bring together some of the best teachings, practices, and resources from their live facilitator training, and bringing in some highly skilled guests to support the endeavour, making their teachings not only accessible to those who can join in-person but to people all over the world. 

Since then, Evolving Eros has been evolving into it's own platform and becoming a thriving ecosystem of courses, memberships, and community initiatives.

Our Team

At the heart of Evolving Eros is a dedicated team of passionate professionals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise from the fields of sacred sexuality, healing arts, education, and transformational leadership.

We know that no single person has all the answers to what makes a great facilitator, and having a range of perspectives is so important. Therefore we brought in a range of experienced teachers to share their wisdom.

From our course faculty and community managers to our technology and customer support teams, every member of the Evolving Eros family is committed to our mission of empowering facilitators and pioneering a new paradigm of sacred sexuality education.


With over 12 years of experience running events in the field of sexuality, countless workshops and play spaces, over a dozen retreats and multi-week facilitator trainings created, Luna has a strong passion for creating spaces of liberation and permission where love and connection can thrive.

Luna is the head teacher for facilitation skills in Evolving Eros and the visionary of this project, as well as contributing to graphic and web design.

Luna's website


With over six years dedicated to exploring neotantra and sacred sexuality, Triss Tashi has committed deeply to the spiritual dimensions of intimacy and connection. He holds a postgraduate degree and has extensive experience in digital marketing, business development, team, and project management.

For the past three years, he has travelled the world facilitating workshops and retreats that integrate sacred sexuality principles with personal transformation, focusing on healing through relationships and the importance of pleasure and play in personal growth.

Triss' Website

Guest Teachers

We couldn't do this alone, so we brought in support from a range of experienced and skilled guest teachers to bring their wisdom to the courses. 

You'll find our guest teachers scattered amongst the courses, supporting you with a variety of perspectives 

What sets us apart?

Inclusive Approach

We are committed to creating safer spaces and experiences that honor the diversity of human sexuality and relationship. All of our offerings are grounded in trauma-informed principles and a deep respect for each individual's unique path.

Comprehensive, Holistic Curriculum

Our courses cover the full spectrum of sacred sexuality facilitation, from the foundations of holding space and designing transformative experiences to the business and leadership skills needed to thrive as a professional in this field.

Expert, Diverse

Our faculty includes some of the most experienced and respected educators in the field of sacred sexuality, representing a wide range of backgrounds, lineages, and areas of expertise.

Vibrant, Supportive Community

We believe that growth and transformation happen in the context of relationship and community. That's why we've created a robust platform for connection, collaboration, and ongoing support for our members.

Commitment to Innovation and Evolution

We are constantly exploring new frontiers and evolving our offerings to meet the changing needs of facilitators and the communities they serve. We are not afraid to question the status quo and pioneer new approaches that align with our values of authenticity, integrity, and liberation.

Join the Movement

If you feel called to be part of this transformative work and to make a profound difference in the lives of others, we invite you to join us in the Evolving Eros movement.

Whether you're a seasoned facilitator looking to deepen your mastery or a passionate beginner ready to take the first steps on your path, there is a place for you here.

Explore our courses, join our membership community, and let's evolve together – for the sake of love, healing, and awakening on our planet.

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