Apprentice Membership



Your Launchpad to Becoming a Transformative


Are you called to guide others on the path of sacred sexuality, intimacy, and personal growth?

Do you feel a deep yearning to create spaces of healing, connection, and transformation?


If so, the Apprentice Membership is here to support you in turning your passion into a thriving practice.


Designed specifically for facilitators who are just starting out, this program offers you a supportive forum and the loving community you need to find your unique voice, build your confidence, and start making a real difference in the lives of your participants.


What You'll Receive as an 
Apprentice Member


Foundations of Eros Course Content Guidance &  Accountability

Access our content accountability program, which will guide you through the Foundation course content and provide you with additional support to learn and apply the content.

Private Community Forum

Connect with fellow Apprentices in a safe, supportive online space for sharing insights, seeking feedback, and collaborating on your journey.

Peer Practice and Feedback

Hone your facilitation skills by practising with your peers and receiving constructive feedback in a nurturing environment.

Mentor Support

Get guidance and support from experienced facilitators who have walked the path before you and are dedicated to your growth and success.

Your Journey, Your Pace


We understand that every facilitator's path is unique. That's why the Apprentice Membership is designed to be flexible, allowing you to engage with the training and community in a way that works for your lifestyle and learning style.

Whether you're diving in full-time or balancing your growth with other commitments, you'll have the freedom to chart your own course and progress at a pace that feels aligned for you.

A Community of
Support and Celebration

As an Apprentice Member, you'll be joining fellow emerging facilitators, all committed to learning, growing, and supporting one another on the path of facilitation.

This is a space where you can show up authentically, ask bold questions, and receive the encouragement and accountability you need to step into your power as a facilitator. It's also a place to celebrate your breakthroughs, victories, and the profound impact you'll start having on the lives of others.

Your Investment in Your Growth and Service

By joining the Apprentice Membership, you're not just investing in your own growth - you're investing in the lives of all those you'll touch as a facilitator of transformation.

For a monthly investment of just €15 €7.50, you'll receive access to all the support and community you need to launch your journey with confidence and clarity. And with no long-term commitment required, you can stay as long as you're feeling called to learn and grow in this container.

Are You Ready to Answer the Call?


If your heart is whispering a resounding "yes" to the path of facilitation, we invite you to join us in the Apprentice Membership. Together, let's create a world where sacred sexuality, intimate connection, and personal transformation are honoured as the profound gifts they are.

Join the Evolving Eros Apprentice Membership Today

Join Our Growing Community

Launch Special
As we expand our Evolving Eros family, we're excited to offer a limited-time opportunity for passionate facilitators like you. For a short period, you can join our Apprentice Membership with a 50% discount - just €7.50 per month!

Why join now?
  1. Personalised Attention: As one of our pioneering members, you'll benefit from more direct access to our expert team. Get your questions answered promptly and receive tailored guidance on your facilitation journey.
  2. Shape the Community: Be part of the founding group that sets the tone for our evolving space. Your input and engagement will help create the vibrant, supportive community we envision.
  3. Exclusive Access: Dive into our comprehensive course content and accountability program. Start your learning journey with ample time to absorb and implement the teachings.
  4. Grow Together: Connect with fellow early adopters who share your passion and commitment. Form lasting relationships as you progress through your facilitation path side by side.

This introductory offer allows you to lock in this special rate for the duration of your membership. As our community flourishes, you'll be perfectly positioned to ride the wave of growth and collaboration.

Don't miss this unique chance to be at the forefront of the Evolving Eros movement. Join now and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sacred sexuality facilitation.
Free Six Month Membership with Foundations of Eros Course
When you purchase the Foundations of Eros Course, you will receive a free Six Month subscription to the Apprentice Membership.
For a limited time only.
Click here to learn more about the Foundations course.
Access the Launch Discount

Note: This special offer is available for a limited time only. Join today to secure your place in our budding community of passionate facilitators.