Why I'm so passionate about creating safer spaces

Jun 24, 2024

By Luna Agneya


A lot of my passion for creating safer and more inclusive spaces comes from my own negative experiences in containers. It's the typical wounded healer trope that inspires all of us who teach.

I was sharing with colleagues today about a few traumatic experiences I had in transformational/healing containers and how that has impacted the way I teach other facilitators.

I joke about being a 'cosmic martyr'... whether it's my human design (1/3), Pluto squared half my chart or whatever other excuse I can find- I've always been a bit 'cursed' and have had far more overwhelming, intense and shitty situations in certain areas of my life compared to a lot of people.

On my healing journey I time and time went into spaces where I overwhelmed my nervous system, got pushed beyond my limits with power dynamics pressures and faced being judged and shamed because of my sexuality, my old job as a stripper, my kinks, my disability/health and other factors.

Thankfully I'm a persistent and somewhat stubborn person and kept going, because there was always some kind of medicine in there under the poison. People could say that all those bad experiences were needed for me to heal but honestly in reflection the only way they served me was to be able to clearly see what NOT to do as a facilitator so I could teach others better.

Literally the only reason after all these years I could see as to why it all happened was so that I could shine a light on all these blindspot and unconscious patterns that play out in these spaces in a way that only someone with my specific background could see. So I don't believe that the average person should have to go through the same thing, and I feel my job as the cosmic martyr is to go through those specific fires to help prevent more folks going through it.

Because when we are seeking healing we shouldn't leave with new trauma to integrate.

Because when we seek community and connection, we shouldn't leave feeling more judged and ostracised.

I have a unique lens and perspective on this work that is my superpower, and I am happy to gift the insights, lessons and wisdom I've learned through this to others who want to be in positions of leadership where they could potentially help or hurt others.

A lot of what I have to share you just won't be able to figure out on your own.

What i teach goes so much deeper than just sharing the tools I teach

I give my students years of insights from both my journey of struggling in these spaces looking for healing and my many years of running these spaces, making a tonne of mistakes and figuring things out.

You won't know how valuable this is until you are there with us.... whether you're a new facilitator or you've been doing this a while I can guarantee there will be new things for you to learn with me and with my team.

I don't want people to sign up out of shame or fear that they're bad people who are going to hurt people...

I know that's not the intention behind peoples mistakes and I have compassion for even those teachers and spaces that left me traumatised.

I want to work with people who are inspired to want to become masterful at what they do. Those who really give a fuck about helping their students/participants/clients get the most possible out of this work.

Those who are here to liberate, and who know that being in a leadership position takes support from others to help us see our blindspots. Who want peers, colleagues, team mates... that's what we are offering

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