Devoted to Eros
Guided by Pioneers in the Movement
For those who are
In Service to Love and Intimacy
Create deep and impactful spaces for people to come together in celebration of love, embodiment and connection.
You feel the calling to bring more Love into this world, to serve something far beyond yourself...
Creating Conscious Erotic spaces is an act of devotion—honoring love, pleasure, and the wholeness of our humanity that connects us all.
We're here to support you to become a confident and thriving facilitator who curates unforgettable spaces for love and intimacy.

Be inspired, supported and guided on your journey of creating
Sacred&Sensual Spaces

✦ In this course, you'll explore the difference between different types of erotic spaces, from kinky events, Play parties, Orgies to Temple nights so that you're able to confidently create events that align to your desires, unique transmission and wishes.
✦ When it comes to running events, the biggest issue as you start out is that YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. Learn from experts with countless years of experience, trial and error behind them to you don't make typical mistakes that can leave your guests unhappy or even harmed by your spaces.
✦ Feel overwhelmed by the logistics of running an event? Be guided through the practical, very essential elements of setting up your spaces, vetting the community, training your participants and creating the essential structures you need to run your events with ease so you can bring your inspiration into physical reality.
✦ Learn how to grow your offerings in a way that is soul-nourishing, prevents burn-out/overwhelm and creates a thriving community and business in one.
✦ Learn to integrate trauma-informed principles into your offerings, from design to delivery so that your spaces are safer and more impactful as your participants navigate healing relational wounding and ruptures
✦ Worried about causing unintentional harm? Learn about ethical considerations, risk management and how to handle potential ruptures and common issues that arise in these spaces so that you can lead with integrity and confidence.
✦ No one likes a BORE-GY. Get creative inspiration for unique experiences you can offer so that your spaces don't feel 'cookie-cutter' and generic, and they leave people curious and excited for more, telling all their friends about what an epic experience they had.
✦ Love it deep and Sacred? Explore fascets of Erotic Trance, Erotic Mysticism and Ritual elements and how to support participants to drop to deeper layers of intimacy with themselves, each other and the collective. See how your guidance as a space holder, and the meditations and practices you choose to guide, impact the space created and the depth people are able to go.
✦ You're not alone in this, and you're supported!!! Be part of the global movement of Eros facilitators, joining a coven of fellow love priestesses and erotic magicians around the world, supporting one another and growing together.
& Much more!
Student Success Story

"I have just completed the Devoted to Eros course and it has transformed my ability to facilitate temple spaces. Luna's open, deep, and wise approach is incredibly generous - you can see her vast experience, wisdom, and creativity in every module. The structure and content are impeccable, the topics interesting, and the guest speakers engaging and experienced.
The proof came when I led my first temple space after completing the course. It was a MAGNIFICENT success! Walking into a space where the energy was initially dead, I was able to bring it ALIVE using the teachings. I managed to listen to the room and adapt activities according to the energy - a priceless skill I learned from the course.
The course is amazing value for money - I have already started hosting successful events based on what I learned. Most importantly, I now feel confident that I can do this work and do it well. Thank you for bringing this incredibly fascinating and deeply healing work into the world."
~ Margarita
Temple Space Facilitator
The Team
Meet the facilitators sharing their wisdom with you, each pioneers in the field with many years of experience and expertise.

Read down the page about what workshops each of these facilitators will bring to the course.
Join 4 of our facilitators for this discussion on the evolution of Temple culture to get a feel for their transmissions.
Become a confident
Sacred Space Holder
Now you just have to bring that desire into reality!
Tried running events, but found it overwhelming?
You know that space holding is a big responsibility...

In-depth Modules Exploring
Sacred Sensual PlaySpace Creation
Get clear on your intention, unique transmission and desires for running these spaces.
✦ Introduction
✦ Welcome to the course!
✦ Types of play spaces- and what defines a temple night?
✦ Your big why and motivation for this work
✦ Finding your unique approach and style
✦ Your responsibility and role as creator and caretaker of the space- ethics, risks
✦ Embodied Leadership and space holding
✦ MASTERCLASS with Luzi - "Why a Temple is not a sex party"
Guided Meditation: Visionary Exploration to get inspired for a space you want to create
You'll finish the week inspired by the types of events you can create and getting juiced up for what you want to bring into the world.
Luzi Pods
"Why a Temple is not a sex party"
In this masterclass we'll go into the nuances of what differentiates a temple space from a sex-positive space, an orgy or a play party.
We'll explore what elements contribute to making a temple a temple, what the intention of this type of space is and what exactly might happen there.
Some of the subjects we'll be diving into:
- Collective ritual trance
- Sexuality in transpersonal and void states
- Erotic aliveness through physical, energetic and emotional intimacy
- Devotional practice & body divination
- Spiritual connection with land & matter
- Eros as a pathway to the evolution of consciousness
This week you'll start planning your event, going over the practical elements you need to consider as you curate the experience
✦ Vetting processes and finding the right people for your spaces
✦ Venues and Working with the space you have (yoga studios vs houses and other options)
✦ Building your team (care team, co-creators, music, performers, installations, helpers)
✦ Budgeting basics
✦ Setting up ticketing, booking, information sharing and structures
✦ Sharing about what you've created (Sales pages, messaging)
✦ Finding and training your Care team
✦ Things to consider and plan for
✦ MASTERCLASS - Dane Tomas- Facilitating Creative Ritual
Worksheets: Event planning document, budgeting and other practical goodies.
You'll leave this module with your event planned out, budgeted for and ready to start bringing people into your creation!
Dane Tomas
Upgrade your ability to create safe, engaging, magical and meaningful spaces. In this masterclass, you'll explore a tonne of ideas on HOW to make your rituals and Temple spaces more potent, more creative and engaging.
- Introduction - why do we need ritual?
- Opening spaces - how to create meaning and intention.
- Ritual design and structure - how much should you plan?
- Creative Elements - using voice, movement, lighting, music and space.
- Eros in ritual space - using sexual energy wisely.
- Emergent ritual - how to read the room and listen to the current.
- Things to be aware of: risks, ethics, creating ‘safety’ and integrity.
- Taking inspiration from literature and film.
- Exercise: design your own ritual
Now we get into the event itself! Crafting a smooth and sexy structure for the event, setting up the space and guiding an epic experience!
✦ Event structure and planning
✦ Preparation and protection
✦ Decoration and setting the vibe externally
+ Playlists and music to set the vibe
✦ The arrival
✦ Warming up and dropping in
✦ Holding the space and engaging
✦ Treats and special bonus offering ideas
✦ Closing the space
✦ Aftercare
✦ MASTERCLASS with Puja - "What is the Quality you love and need to come from?"
Guided Meditation: Facilitator drop-in to your magic and flow
Bonus: Warm-up exercise PDF
You'll leave this module prepared to run your unique and amazing event
Puja Pijl
What is the Quality you love and need to come from?
In this Masterclass we go into Quality.
Quality of the field, the holding, the energetics, the set up.
What is the Quality uniquely to you, and what are the Qualities needed to hold a true space of depth and solidity, on the levels of energetics, holding, support, team, anchoring and expanding.
We’ll go into the area’s of:
- Who and what are you creating for? Integrity, capacity and divine creation. Truth is your Master. Beauty and purity your guide.
- How do structure and intuitive depth dance in best ways possible?
- How to anchor the whole space and creation in pure presence.
- What is needed to go beyond leaky or rigid spaces.
- How to still work deeply and solid, when sexuality is part of the occasion?
- How do you know if you are you creating a space 'for yourself' or for a quality to truly serve, and can they co-exist?
- How are you spot on in energy and guidance, and with interconnectedness of team and participants: clear foundation of choice and capacity.
- Where are you creating from? Which norms and influences are in your awareness? The influence and effect of lower norms or standards and current narratives.
- How to create from channeled / oracle quality and your uniqueness.
- Sexual containment - the driver of great depth and capacity.
- Being out of the way - the transpersonal at work.
- The ‘it'-space - how I work the energetics and in the quantum within Beyond Temples.
Here we get into the community aspect of this work- building your networks, working with potential issues and conflicts and imagining how you can grow your work.
✦ Trauma-informed safer space basics
✦ Training your participants to be good play party guests
✦ Vetos and issues that typically show up
✦ Extended events - Building from an evening to a retreat or festival
✦ Building a thriving community around your events
✦ Working with conflict that arises
✦ MASTERCLASS with Mx Gili - "Intimacy by Design: Temple Events as Culture Crafting"
Guided practice: Taking criticism and feedback with grace
You'll leave feeling more equipped to deal with the longer-term reality of managing a Erotic community and visioning how your spaces can grow organically over time.
Gili Jala
Intimacy by Design: Temple Events as Culture Crafting
How do we create spaces that invite participants into deeper intimacy with themselves, one another, and the collective?
In this masterclass, we’ll look into how to cultivate trust, security and playfulness through structure, content and different points of contact and layers of intimacy within the group.
We’ll also dive into the facilitator’s role in shaping this experience through intentional language, inclusivity, and group dynamics, offering tools to help you build or deepen the unique culture of your Temple events.
Finally, we get inspired for what it can look like to evolve and gain mastery in this space
✦ Where can these spaces go?
✦ 'Tantric Feasts' to Roman Orgies - What were ancient temple spaces really? Inspiration from Historic rites and rituals
✦ Evoking erotic trance states
✦ Holding Advanced play spaces and rituals
✦ Solo erotic rituals
✦ Challenging yourself as a ritualist
✦ MASTERCLASS with Victoria Bardovic - "The evolutionary edge of eros" -
You'll leave this final module with inspiration for how you can innovate, take people deeper and challenge yourself in beautiful ways as a creator/creatrix.
Victoria Bardovic
The Evolutionary Edge of Eros
What can eros show us?
Is sacred sexuality just a tool to heal trauma?
In this workshop, Victoria will share an insight into what she sees sacred sexuality has to offer us- As well as an innovative new practice coined Sxxlab that has developed through her and a group of friends which offers a new perspective on sacred intimacy work.
She'll discuss how to invite creative new culture and the pitfalls of circle work in self-development.

Engaging video teachings with 6 skilled and experienced facilitators

Practices and exercises you can use in your spaces

Audio and Video files plus notes and extra links

Curated resources for further exploration

Community Telegram group to share, discuss, ask questions

+ Bonus meditations for dropping into your facilitating power
Live Training or Self-paced study
Can't make the lives, or too busy right now?
We're launching this as a live course, but after that, it will be available as a self-study program (so there is no cut-off time to register).
So if you love the idea but won't have time to complete the modules now, don't worry! You'll retain access and can do it at your own speed, going through the relevant modules when you need them!
Some people may just want to do the live lectures, and some people who are fresh starting out may just want to do the module content- you can do it your way!
Learn from Experienced Facilitators of
Meet the team who will be creating the content and holding the live masterclasses for this course

Luna Agneya
Luna is the Headmistress of the Sensual Arts School, lead facilitator for the Liberating Love Collective and Bindu Breath Awakening Creator.
She's is a seasoned Tantrika, Sensualist, Ritualist, Love and Relationship Coach and creatrix with a passion for creating liberating spaces for humans to unfurl into their authentic expression and deeply embodied wisdom.
She started curating conscious play spaces in Berlin in 2016 under Aethereality after spending years before that hosting sexy events with bands and burlesque... and eventually evolved her offers from single-night events to multi-day mini festivals, week-long retreats, month-long teacher trainings and residencies.
Her Sensual Temples grew in popularity not just in Europe but through Australia and Asia, offering what was then a unique space that included performances, installations and a softer play environment. She also ran FAETISH fantasy fetish kink nights and various other kinky, sexual and spiritual offers.
Luna has extensive experience with a huge range of event planning and facilitation, ritual guidance and creative directing that she brings to this course, as well as years of experience teaching budding facilitators how to run high quality events.
Luna will be teaching the core modules in the course, with guest facilitators bringing in their wisdom for deep-dive masterclasses.
Guest Teachers
Learn more about our guests and the masterclasses they're offering.
Luzi Pods
I’m a Somanaut and spend a lot of time naked in the forest. The focus of my work is on rewilding pleasure and weaving our bodies back into our ecosystem.
I'm interested in sexuality and temple spaces which are sacred, subtle and go beyond the trauma-informed/

Dane Tomas is an innovative artist, entrepreneur, and spiritual pioneer whose career spans multiple disciplines and industries. He began as a rapper and youth arts facilitator before transitioning into the corporate world, where he learned a lot about presenting to groups but knew he was too creative and rebellious to stick around for long.
Dane later founded "The Spiral," a transformative personal development system that has impacted thousands of lives globally. After a decade of working with the chakra system and the energetic and emotional body, his work evolved to incorporate his two biggest spiritual influences: Non-dual Tantra and Magick.
This evolution led Dane to experiment with live performances, temple nights, and ritual immersions, deepening the ritualistic and creative aspects of his offerings. In 2021, Dane created "Church," a guided self-pleasure ritual designed for healing, transformation, and manifestation, which has reached thousands worldwide.
In addition to this, he also facilitates with ISTA, has published seven books, and released several music projects, including "The Dark Wizard EP," "The Goddess Delusion," and "Magick is Real."
Based in Australia, Dane is in the process of establishing the "Mystery Road Temple" at Mount Tamborine in Queensland, dedicated to furthering his vision of integrating the realms of spirit and matter through creative ritual, magick and community building.

Puja Pijl
Puja is the founder, visionary, creator of BEYOND. A House of Devotion Living Arts & Integrative Temple Arts.
She is a pioneer in the field with creating international Temple work that started in the Netherlands.
Over 11 years she holds a strong and unique Leading Edge field of depth. Her Signature creations are the 8-day journeys that are known as one of the premium places for deep development beyond anything else.
Over 2 decades she’s been working in the realms of personal and transpersonal development and her depth is saturated by her large background in i.a. the realms of Tantra, Shamanism, (transpersonal & holistic) psychotherapy, Sacred Sexuality, Human Design and the wisdom of the Alchemy of embodied Mystery and Consciousness.
She has an unrelenting skill to go deeper and take people along for the ride.

Gili Jala
Gili is the creator of Conscious Play Temple, a body-positive, sex-positive, kink- and spirituality-positive space of permission that’s been running monthly in Berlin since 2022. Rooted in nondualism, Classical Tantra, Chaos Magic, shadow work, and a queer approach to life, Gili’s facilitation invites playful, authentic, and embodied exploration. With a focus on intimacy, presence, and curiosity, they craft transformative spaces where participants are invited to explore their moment to moment desires in a field of trust and belonging.

Victoria Bardovic
Victoria Bardovic/Redbard is a speaker, author, facilitator and altogether business badass.
Over the past 3 years she founded the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy™, a globally accredited sexuality school honing its cutting-edge Self Pleasure Modality™. She is also the driving force behind the Enlightenment in The Bedroom events, the Tedx of sexuality held in 9 locations over Australia. Through a delicious mix of intuition, instinct, and passion she wakes people up to the innocent aliveness of their erotic nature.
Course Details
- Live Edition Online
- 5 deep dive modules
- Live Calls with Guest Teachers, including Q&A
- Lifetime access to full course
- Telegram group
- Bonus practice audios
Your Investment
Three and Six-Month Payment Plans Available
Devoted To Eros Bundles
Take your journey with Evolving Eros deeper
Ready to expand your facilitation toolkit and take your business and passion to the next level?
Our carefully curated course bundles offer you the opportunity to explore multiple facets of sacred sexuality facilitation at an exceptional value. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your expertise, these bundles combine our most powerful courses to provide you with a holistic learning experience.
By investing in a bundle, you'll not only save on individual course prices but also gain a more integrated understanding of how different aspects of facilitation work together. Choose the bundle that resonates with your path and take a significant leap forward in your journey as a sacred sexuality facilitator.
Bundle 1
Trauma-Informed Temple Facilitator
Created safer, sexier spaces with our Trauma-Informed Temple Facilitator Bundle.
Combining our powerful 'Devoted to Eros' course with our essential 'Trauma-Informed Eros Facilitation' training, this bundle equips you to create safer, more transformative sacred sexuality spaces. Deepen your understanding of erotic ritual while learning to navigate trauma with compassion and skill.
Perfect for facilitators committed to holding truly healing containers.
Learn more about the Trauma-Informed Eros Facilitation course here.

Regular prices €645 + €280 = €925
Bundle Price €775
Three & Six Month Payment Plans Available
Bundle 2
Workshop & Temple Facilitator
Transform your passion for sacred sexuality into a powerful facilitation practice with our Workshop and Temple Facilitator Bundle.
This comprehensive package combines our foundational 'Foundations of Eros Facilitation' course with the immersive 'Devoted to Eros' training, providing you with a complete toolkit for creating transformative workshops and temple spaces.
From mastering the basics of workshop/event facilitation to diving deep into the intricacies of erotic temple spaces, this bundle equips you to confidently guide others on their sacred sexuality journey.
These courses combine together perfectly as it also covers more business basics, how to craft your own unique practices and more. These courses together can help you run full-day or multi-day Temple immersions.
This bundle offers the perfect blend of practical skills and spiritual depth to launch your facilitation career.
Learn more about the Foundations of Eros Facilitation course here.

Regular price €645 + €700 = €1,345
Bundle Price €1,145
Three & Six Month Payment Plans Available
Bundle 3
Ultimate Eros Leadership
Comprehensive Sacred Sexuality Facilitation Training
Enhance your skills across multiple dimensions of sacred sexuality facilitation with our Ultimate Eros Leadership Bundle.
This package brings together our four key courses: Foundations of Eros Facilitation, Devoted to Eros, Inclusivity and Diversity and Trauma-Informed Eros Facilitation.
From core facilitation techniques to temple space creation and integrating trauma-informed practices, this bundle offers a well-rounded education for those serious about their growth in this field.
This comprehensive package provides the knowledge and skills to create safer, more inclusive, and transformative spaces. It is designed for facilitators who want to deepen their understanding and expand their toolkit.
Invest in your development and broaden your capacity to serve in the realm of sacred sexuality facilitation.
Learn more about the Foundations of Eros Facilitation course here.
Learn more about the Trauma-Informed of Eros Facilitation course here.
Learn more about the Inclusivity and Diversity for Facilitators course here.

Regular price €645 + €700 + €280 + €180 = €1,805
Bundle Price €1,605
Three & Six Month Payment Plans Available
We aim to make our courses affordable and accessible, with prices with high-quality content and fair pay for our teachers, who often are also marginalised or disadvantaged. We are a small business with a big team and appreciate your financial support and sharing the abundance!
We understand some people may still have difficulty affording these prices, and we want to invite you to use one of our solidarity options. This is for people like single mothers, people with disability, Trans babes, starving artists, struggling BIPOC, folks in places with currency exchange disadvantages and others in situations where it's not easy to access this kind of money. This is not for people who just happen to have spent all their money on other things (like too many retreats, travel and parties lately!)
Please email us with a very BRIEF overview of why you need the support and we'll send you a discount code (please no long trauma stories!) info @
We offer 14 day money-back guarantees if you're not happy with the course. You must have watched less than 20% of the content to receive the refund, to ensure people don't just consume all of our work and want a free course. There are no refunds after 14 days.
Who is this course for?
I've never been to a Temple night/ Play party, can I still do this course?
Will this be enough for me to run spaces professionally?
I already run awesome events, will I get anything out of this course?
What if I can't join the calls live?
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Stay updated with new course launches, masterclasses, live teacher trainings and other goodies for your facilitation career.