Inclusivity &  Diversity For Facilitators

Essential Skills for Modern Facilitators


Learn to create truly welcoming, affirming spaces for diverse humans


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Become an Inclusive &

Affirming Facilitator


Feel confident to welcome a diverse range of human beings into your events


In the realm of sacred sexuality and intimacy, creating spaces that are truly welcoming and affirming for participants of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences is not just important – it's essential. In our globalised world we can expect that in each event we'll have people with a range of backgrounds both culturally, sexually and physically.

As facilitators, we have a responsibility to cultivate our awareness, skills, and heart to honor the beautiful diversity of human sexuality and relationship. This transformative course, guided by a diverse group of expert facilitators, is your invitation to deepen your capacity to create inclusive spaces and experiences that allow every participant to feel seen, celebrated, and empowered as they are.

Develop the Core Competencies of an

Inclusive, Affirming Facilitator


🗹   Deepen your understanding of key concepts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the context of running live events

🗹   Examine your own biases, blind spots, and areas for growth with compassion and accountability

🗹   Learn practical tools for creating welcoming, accessible, and affirming spaces for all

🗹   Gain skills for facilitating diverse groups and honoring each participant's unique journey

🗹   Integrate inclusive, trauma-informed principles into your offerings, from marketing to delivery

Feel confident welcoming diversity

The journey to become a more inclusive facilitator is not just about serving the people in your events- it's also deep inner shadow work to recognise where we hold unconscious bias, privilege, judgment and projections on others and learning to become a more compassionate, empathetic and loving person.

Humans are all so unique and we all come from different backgrounds, have different sexual preferences and cultural norms, as well as different levels of ability and cognitive function. When we take on a position of leadership without looking at our bias, we project our own lived experience onto our students unconsciously, putting them into a box they may not fit in and often causing a contraction within them and a feeling that they are not welcome how they are. 

This work is about so much more than using the right words to advertise your work- it's about being willing to consider a variety of lived experiences and create a space where peoples unique perspectives are welcomed and celebrated! 

You don't need to be queer yourself to hold a loving and welcoming space for queer people. You don't need to be disabled to create a welcoming space for those who are- you just need to check your assumptions and biases, be willing to be humble and to listen.

This course invites insightful and compassionate conversations around a range of subjects linked to marginalised or unique perspectives and encourages you to make some gentle shifts in the way you use language or make assumptions to create a space where more people feel welcome to come as they truly are.

Learn from a Diverse Collective of

Inclusive Facilitation Experts

Celebrating Queerness - Effective Inclusivity for Facilitators

 Finding your authentic voice in the movement for equality and ending racism


Compassionately navigating disability and Abelism




Invisible and dynamic disability, Spiritual scene cliches that can unintentionally harm,
Social justice and the wound of separation,
Embracing what you don't know & Empathetic leadership, Solidarity pricing, scholarships and accessibility


This course features a variety of experienced facilitators, each bringing their unique perspective and expertise on inclusivity and diversity in sacred sexuality. From BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ educators to disability justice advocates. 

Our teachers represents a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Each teacher brings a deep commitment to intersectional inclusivity and a heart for empowering facilitators to create more affirming spaces.

We also will add more content to this course over time, so you can expect new modules to emerge in the future.

Transformative Modules Exploring Key Aspects of

Inclusivity and Diversity

  Why focus on Inclusivity?

✦ Celebrating Queerness - Effective Inclusivity for Facilitators Masterclass with Mx Gili

✦ Finding your authentic voice in the movement for equality and ending racism Masterclass with Justin Michael Williams

✦  Compassionately navigating disability and Abelism with Blossom

✦  Invisible Illness, Dynamic Disability and Chronic conditions

✦ Spiritual scene cliches that can unintentionally harm

Social justice and the wound of separation

Embracing what you don't know & Empathetic leadership

Solidarity pricing, scholarships and accessibility

In-depth video teachings from our diverse faculty

Practical and philosophical elements, contemplations and invitations

Additional resources, further readings and downloads

Course Details

Masterclasses and modules

Online and Self-Paced


Investment: €180

Three & Six-Month Payment Plans Available

Enrol Here For Instant Access

Creating a world where sacred sexuality spaces are truly inclusive, affirming, and liberating for all is a journey that requires each of us to do our own deep work. If you feel called to be part of this essential transformation and develop your skills as an inclusive facilitator, we warmly invite you to join us in this powerful training. Let's learn, unlearn, and grow together – for the benefit of all beings.


We aim to make our courses affordable and accessible, with prices with high-quality content and fair pay for our teachers, who often are also marginalised or disadvantaged. We are a small business with a big team and appreciate your financial support and sharing the abundance!

We understand some people may still have difficulty affording these prices, and we want to invite you to use one of our solidarity options. This is for people like single mothers, people with disability, Trans babes, starving artists, struggling BIPOC, folks in places with currency exchange disadvantages and others in situations where it's not easy to access this kind of money. This is not for people who just happen to have spent all their money on other things (like too many retreats, travel and parties lately!)

Please email us with a very BRIEF overview of why you need the support and we'll send you a discount code (please no long trauma stories!)



We offer 14 day money-back guarantees if you're not happy with the course. You must have watched less than 20% of the content to receive the refund, to ensure people don't just consume all of our work and want a free course. There are no refunds after 14 days.